Cheat Sheets

I’ve just shared a few cheat sheets that I’ve created, with Docker, Business Central, Powershell and NAVContainerHelper commands and a few more useful things. I’ll keep adding more things over time. You can find the link below as well as in the navigation bar. Hope you find it useful.

Parameter Object in Dynamics NAV/365 Business

#dynamicsnav #businesscentral #msdyn365bc #designpatterns In Dynamics NAV/BC development we often see a method with a lot of parameters. Take as an example the method FormatAddr in codeunit Format Address. procedure FormatAddr(var AddrArray: array[8] of Text[100]; Name: Text[100]; Name2: Text[100]; Contact: Text[100]; Addr: Text[100]; Addr2: Text[50]; City: Text[50]; PostCode: Code[20]; County: Text[50]; CountryCode: Code[10]) If we […]

C/AL to AL Data Upgrade Automation Powershell Script

Eric Walters (Waldo) shared a great tool developed “on top of” the existing Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Model.Tools.dll, which is a library that serves the PowerShell Merge-CmdLets provided by Microsoft, that allow us to do a bunch of analysis on top of NAV/BC objects (man, you rock!). More info here: And here: I have created a script […]